Our Team

Missa Hollis Brizendine

Missa Hollis Brizendine, Founder and Executive Director

Missa began volunteering in Maumelle right after moving here. She saw a dire need for groceries, diapers, and toiletries which she began collecting and distributing to the community. This led to the creation of Maumelle Philanthropists. Missa has a background in education and directing non-profits.

Ginny Watson, Board President

A retired Project Manager who started as a volunteer for Maumelle Philanthropists when she moved back to Arkansas in 2022. Ginny is proud parent of one daughter, and grandmother to two boys. She loves to travel, quilt, and enjoys time at home with her dog, Buddy. 

Diana Strong, Board Vice President

Diana is a certified self-defense instructor, mom, and friend. She has been a supporter, advocate, and mentor to those in need for more than two decades.

Jonathan Brizendine, Board Treasurer

After 29 years of service, Jonathan retired from the USAF/ANG as a Master Sergeant. He currently works for the Department of Defense. He has many hobbies and according to his wife, Missa, he is addicted to cryptocurrency.

Rock Perkins, Board Secretary

Rock is a Chemical Engineer for L’Oreal USA and owns a local real estate investment company. He has been a long time supporter and donor of Maumelle Philanthropists. Rock lives in Maumelle and has lived here most of his life. In his spare time he is a volunteer member of his church’s video production and security crew. He tutors math and science to local children and volunteer coaches basketball at Maumelle Charter School. He has 2 children, Braeden and Liam and 1 dog Narah.

Lisa Havniear, Board Member

Lisa was born and raised in Central Arkansas. Currently owner of LA Designs, she is an environmental and graphic designer with over 38 years of experience in the creative industry. With over 10 years volunteering and chairing several non-profit organizations, she is most proud of her only daughter and granddog. Lisa likes to be creative in any form, hang out with friends, loves the summer at the lake, sports, is highly competitive and likes a challenge.

Carmen Baguio, Board Member

Carmen was raised in White Hall, Arkansas and attended the University of Arkansas. She and her husband Joe have six kids between them. After twenty-five years of service, Carmen recently retired from teaching middle schoolers and now spends her time traveling and camping. She is an active member of New Life Church. She helps market her brother's oil paintings at fineartbypatrick.com. Her hobbies include photography, gardening, and shopping with her daughters. Most

Thursdays, you'll find her volunteering at the food pantry.

Kim White, Board Member

Bio Coming

Joe Baguio, Board Member

Joe is a first generation American. He was raised on a small family farm in Pacific, Washington After ten years in the Army, Joe moved to the civilian sector working for the government as an IT project manager. He spent many years as a foster dad, eventually adopting three girls and one boy. Joe loves to travel, go camping, and jumps on a mountain bike whenever the time allows. He enjoys cooking and is famous for his Filipino lumpia.